Monday, October 29, 2007


By Helen Borel, R.N.,Ph.D.

You'll find everything and anything , with updates, relative to your physical and mental health right here. FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS...which will be researched and answered as promptly as possible. (Of course, always confer with your own physician before using any of this blog's suggestions or advice on tests, procedures, medical devices, surgeries, pharmaceuticals, or other therapies for yourself or anyone else!)

Do you suffer from "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?" I have some helpful info about it which I call "Debilitating Immunopathic Relapsing Encephalomyelitis." I wrote a book on this topic.

What is Writer's Cramp? I have the answer and how to treat it. Just ask.

Dyslipidemia. Are you at risk? Ask me.

Winter is coming. Are you vulnerable to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)...depression
caused by lack of sunlight? And what can you do about it? Request my answer.

Are you having bad side effects from any of your Rx or OTC (over-the-countre) meds?
Report them to me, I'll write an explanation for you and will also inform the Pharm manufacturer of your problem(s) with their med (keeping any specific personal info confidential).

So, please feel free to ask away on any medical, surgical, therapeutic, Rx or OTC drug, prosthetic, dental, lab tests, psychiatric and psychotherapy issues. I'm here at your beck and call to answer them.

Also, issues relative to medical or nursing or psychotherapy well as potential
medical-legal issues relative to nursing homes, personal injuries, negligence, etc. can also
be addressed here.

I'm a patient advocate...writing MEDICAL-HEALTH ALERTS to offer free, professional
information to everyone who needs it.

I'm HEALTHWRITER, a healthcare professional with multiple credentials through the PhD
plus decades of published medical writing for physicians as well as health writing for the general public. Additionally, I write poetry, book critiques, fiction, and nonfiction. And I relish humor, especially satire. Visit me here often. Not a moment goes by in the medical, psychiatric or pharmaceutical industries that won't bring exciting, new data you need to
stay ahead of the trends and protect yours and your loved ones' health.

(c) Copyright 2007 to 2015 Helen Borel.  All rights reserved.

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